Exhibitors may employ the service of independent or subcontractor for services, providing both the exhibitor and EAC comply with the following requirements:
- The exhibitor must notify Show Management, in writing, by completing the online EAC Notification Form, of the intention to utilize an independent or subcontractor no later than April 11, 2025.
- A representative from the exhibiting company is required to submit the EAC form. EAC forms submitted directly by the independent or subcontractor will not be accepted.
- The exhibitor must provide the full company name, address, contact name, telephone number and e-mail address for their EAC(s).
- The exhibitor, not the EAC, assumes ultimate responsibility for all services in connection with their exhibit booth, including freight, material handling, rentals, and labor WHMA/IPC with the EAC’s Certificate of Insurance no later than April 11, 2025.
- The EAC certificate of insurance requirements in no way limit the liability of the EAC
EAC’s Certificate of Insurance must include:
- Insurance coverage at all times during EWPTE, including move-in and move-out periods.
- Workers' Compensation – Statutory as per the respective state or country
- Name WHMA/IPC, Shepard Expositions Services and Wisconsin Center as additional insured.
Employers Liability:
- Bodily Injury by Accident ($100,000 each accident)
- Bodily Injury by Disease ($100,000 each employee & $500,000 policy limit)
- Employers Liability coverage must include coverage territory provisions to include the territories for which the event will take place.
Commercial General Liability Insurance:
- EAC must maintain comprehensive general liability insurance, including broad form contractual liability coverage, with limits of at least $1,000,000 combined single limit, per occurrence, for personal and advertising injury, bodily injury and property damage.
Automobile Liability Insurance:
- EAC that owns or operates any vehicle at the Wisconsin Center must maintain automobile liability insurance with limits in an amount adequate to cover all of their motor vehicles at the Wisconsin Center, but not less than $500,000.
- This insurance must be primary and non-contributory to any other insurance coverage
Additional Expectations for Exhibitor Appointed Contractors
- The Exhibitor Appointed Contractor must have all business licenses, permits and Workers’ Compensation insurance required by the State and City governments and the convention facility management prior to commencing work, and shall provide evidence of compliance to Show Management.
- The Exhibitor Appointed Contractor will share with Shepard Exposition Services all reasonable costs related to its operation, including overtime pay for stewards, restoration of exhibit space to its initial condition, etc.
- The Exhibitor Appointed Contractor will be required to submit the names of all on-site employees who will be working on the exposition floor and wear the necessary identification badges or wristbands as determined by Show Management.
- The Exhibitor Appointed Contractor shall be prepared to show evidence that it has a valid authorization from the exhibitor for services.
- The Exhibitor Appointed Contractor may not solicit business on the exhibit floor.
- The Exhibitor Appointed Contractor must confine its operations to the exhibit area of its clients. Service desks, storage areas or other work facilities will not be allowed anywhere in the building or in the aisles surrounding the exhibitor’s booth space.
- “No Freight Aisles” must be kept clear at all times.
- The Exhibitor Appointed Contractor shall provide, if requested, evidence to Shepard Exposition Services and Show Management that it possesses applicable and current labor contracts and must comply with all labor agreements and practices.
- The Exhibitor Appointed Contractor must not commit or allow to be committed by persons in its employment any acts that could lead to work stoppages, strikes or labor problems.
- EAC personnel is expected to conduct themselves in a professional manner. Inappropriate or abusive behavior, consumption of alcoholic beverages, or smoking inside the facility may result in removal of the individual from the property.
- EAC’s are expected to comply with all event rules & regulations and display regulations.
Cleaning/Bulk Waste Removal
- If EAC’s do not properly dispose of or leave excessive trash behind, the exhibitor will be responsible for any and all fees associated with removal of trash which includes but is not limited to booth structures, signage and carpeting.
- EAC must provide advance notice if any hazardous materials will require disposal after the event concludes and will comply with regulations to properly dispose of such materials.
- If visqueen is applied to protect carpeting during move-in, it is the responsibility of the EAC to remove the visqueen.
- Abandoned Carpet/Floor Coverings and Display Materials: EACs are required to remove all floor coverings and display materials from their client’s exhibit space prior to leaving the facility during move out. Exhibitors who abandon floor coverings and/or displays, leave large or heavy amounts of trash will be charged to remove the materials. The Wisconsin Center will bill exhibitors to remove the materials from the facility. Disposal needs to be arranged and paid for prior to the last date of the show. To inquire about the fees or submit payment, the convention center can be reached via their service desk.